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  • Composting With Red Wigglers: What you need to know

    Composting With Red Wigglers: What you need to know

    A Red Wiggler is a type of epigean earthworm or non-borrowing surface feeding worm. This species of worm is found close to the soil surface, where it can remain near to the source of decaying organic matter. It thrives where decaying plant or animal remains accumulate at ground level. So, you are likely to find…

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  • What Are the Best Composting Worms?

    What Are the Best Composting Worms?

    Composting is one of the quickest and easiest ways to rid yourself of kitchen scraps and get a rich dark soil in return. Compost worms eat organic waste from food and other sources and break it down. The waste is called castings, which is a rich form of soil. The soil has a higher level…

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